Citizen Service

Citizen Attention Office

The Citizen's Attention Office (OAC) is the unit in charge of promoting and encouraging the participation of citizens. It also provides and offers in a timely and adequate manner the information required by users. In addition, it provides support and guidance in various social assistance procedures, and offers solutions to requests made by citizens.


It is the management in charge of offering to the general citizenship and to the community of workers of CONVIASA, a service of optimal attention, to participate in a direct and organized way, individually or collectively in the control activity through the formulation of petitions, denunciations, complaints, claims and suggestions properly supported, to offer orientation and opportune information, to foment and to execute the policies of citizen participation, promoting the education and formation of the citizens and organized communities so much internal as external in the public management and to carry out humanitarian social days; with the purpose of providing an effective, efficient, transparent, correct and healthy administration, as well as the information on the use and disposition of the assets that make up the patrimony of the Venezuelan consortium of aeronautical industries and air services (CONVIASA).


Ser una oficina altamente calificada y destacada por la atención a los ciudadanos, comunidades organizadas y trabajadores del consorcio, brindándoles un servicio de calidad para la canalización y solución a las peticiones, denuncias, quejas, reclamos y sugerencias, así como en la formación y capacitación de los ciudadanos y ciudadanas que utilizan los servicios del consorcio venezolano de industrias aeronáuticas y servicios aéreos (CONVIASA).


To provide general information in a documented manner of all the units that make up CONVIASA, to be used as an instrument of integration and orientation to the existing and new personnel, which will allow a quick incorporation to the Organization, and an adequate execution of the tasks to be performed, promoting uniformity and efficiency in the work.

Contact (OAC)

Contact Address: Maiquetia International Airport, Edf. Sector 6-3 Strategic Zone, East side of the International Airport of Maiquetía. Adjacent to Tránsito Terrestre hangars PB, Maiquetía - Edo. La Guaira.

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 08:00am a 05:00pm

E-mail address:

Phone: 0212-3033163