Minors traveling alone

Minors traveling alone

Domestic Travel
  • Only unaccompanied minors between the ages of 07 and 18 years of age are allowed, they must have an authorization from their legal representative.
  • They cannot travel on domestic flights after 18:00 hrs.
  • Request the respective service confirmation in the reservation through a SR (special service request) and must be issued as an adult passenger.
  • The unaccompanied minor's representative must make the necessary arrangements for the check-in and boarding of the minor.
  • It is mandatory for the passenger to present original and copy of each document.
  • It is mandatory to inform at the time of making the reservation the last name, first name, identity card, telephone number and address of the person who will take you to the airport and who will receive you.
  • A minor may not be the guardian of another minor unless he or she is shown to be the parent or legal guardian.
  • Unaccompanied minors and young travelers undergoing medical treatment or who have a special medical condition may not be accepted unless they present a medical document authorizing the minor to travel unaccompanied by a responsible adult..
  • They may only travel on direct flights, i.e. flights where they do not have to change from one plane to anothe.
  • NOTE: In Cessna Caravan equipment only one (1) minor traveling alone will be allowed because there is no cabin crew, in ATR-42 equipment two (2) minors traveling alone will be allowed, in Embraer (E-190) 3 minors, Airbus (340-200) 08 minors and in Airbus (340-600) 10 minors.

    For all national and international reservations, where the service of an unaccompanied minor is requested, the client must be informed that it is mandatory for the representative to be present at the airport of arrival (from the moment the check-in of the minor begins in his/her place of origin). This measure is necessary for security and prevention reasons.

    Children and adolescents do not require authorization to travel in the following cases:

  • When the trip is within the national territory and they travel accompanied by both or only one of their parents.
  • When the trip is within the national territory and they travel accompanied with their legal representative; legal representative is understood to be the person or persons who hold the legal representation of a child or adolescent, through a sentence issued by a Court of the Republic, where the representative is granted the express power to represent the child or adolescent in question regarding his or her right to free transit.
  • When the trip is within the national territory and they travel accompanied by their guardian; guardian is understood as the person who is appointed as their guardian by court order, in the physical absence (death) of both parents or of the parent who was the only established filiation.
  • When the trip is outside the national territory and they travel accompanied by their father and mother.
  • When the trip is outside the national territory and they travel accompanied by the parent who exclusively exercises parental authority, if filiation has been established only with respect to him or her.
  • When the trip is outside the national territory and they travel accompanied by the parent who unilaterally exercises parental authority on the occasion of the extinction, deprivation or suspension of parental authority exercised by the other parent.
  • When the trip is outside the national territory and they are accompanied by their guardian.
  • In any case (domestic or international travel), emancipated adolescents will not require the processing of travel authorizations.
  • Children and adolescents require authorization to travel in the following cases:

  • When the trip is within the national territory and they travel alone or accompanied by any third party other than their parents; in this case, they will require authorization to travel granted by only one (1) of their parents.
  • When the trip is outside the national territory and they travel in the company of only one of their parents, the authorization of the other parent shall be required, except in cases where there is only one filiation, death of the other parent, judicial sentence where the effects of parental authority over the other parent are extinguished, deprived or suspended.
  • When the trip is outside the national territory and they travel in the company of a third party.
  • The civil authorities competent to issue travel authorizations in the case of children and adolescents are the following:

  • The Courts for the Protection of Children and Adolescents may process any type of judicial authorization to travel, without this description being understood in a limiting manner, in those cases of international restitution, repatriation of children and adolescents outside the country, refusals or disagreements between parents or when the whereabouts of one of the parents or mothers are unknown, change of residence of children and adolescents, international adoptions and any other exceptional case, according to the best interests and rights of children and adolescents.
  • The Councils for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Municipality where the child or adolescent has his/her habitual residence, provided that they are duly constituted as a collegiate body. The travel authorization must have the three (3) signatures of the Councilors and/or Councilwomen that constitute the Council, indicating the data of the Municipal Gazette where their designation is stated, being that the planned trip must not exceed ninety (90) days. The Venezuelan family is informed that these procedures are absolutely free of charge..
  • The Notaries Public of the Autonomous Service of Registries and Notaries (SAREN), who by means of authenticated document may record the will of the parents, authorized legal representatives or guardians, to authorize the trip of the children and adolescents in question.
  • Authorizations to travel within and outside the country, issued by the competent authorities, may require the following requirements:

  • Copy of the identity card of the father and/or mother exercising parental authority, guardian and/or legal representative..
  • Birth certificate of the child or adolescent who will be traveling. The presentation of this document must be required in order to prove in a reliable manner the link between the person granting the authorization to travel and the child or adolescent, therefore there will be no requirement as to the date of issuance of this document.
  • Copy of the identity card of the child or adolescent who wishes to travel within or outside the country, if he/she has it.
  • Copy of the valid passport of the child or adolescent and the person accompanying him/her, if applicable..
  • Certified copy of the definitive sentence of guardianship or;
  • Certified copy of the decision that grants provisionally or definitive sentence of family placement with a minimum validity of 6 months or;
  • Certified copy of the judicial sentence that declares the deprivation or suspension of parental authority with respect to one or both parents, in case of applying or;
  • Certified copy of the judicial sentence that sufficiently accredits the condition of the legal representative called upon to give consent for the transfer of children and adolescents, within or outside the country, in case of application.
  • Death certificate of the deceased parent, if applicable..
  • A simple copy of the air, land or sea tickets, indicating the date of departure and return. Public or private transportation service providers are informed that they may issue the corresponding tickets without the need for the representative or responsible user to present the travel authorization; however, at the time of boarding the transportation unit, the travel authorization corresponding to the respective child and/or adolescent in question must be required and verified. In case the travel authorization is not presented in the terms that this Circular informs that it must be required, in order to ensure the protection and lawful transfer of children and adolescents, they may not board the transportation unit, and the service provider must inform the Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of the municipality where the allegedly irregular act is taking place.
  • Copy of the identity card of the responsible third party with whom the child or adolescent will travel or of the person who will receive him/her in case of traveling alone or Two photos of the child and/or adolescent.
  • Any other that the administrative or judicial authority deems indispensable for the granting thereof.
  • All Venezuelan children and adolescents or with Venezuelan fathers or mothers may enter the national territory with expired documents, however, to leave the country, they must do so with their valid Venezuelan passport.
  • This Circular is related to the full execution of the principle of co-responsibility referred to in Article 4-A of the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, as well as in defense and protection of all children and adolescents who are, enter, return or leave the national territory, who, as full subjects of rights, have the right to be protected against any form of illegal transfer, as contemplated in Article 40 eiusdem.