Immigration Requirements

Consult the country of your preference

Saint Vincent

Dual Nationality

Any Venezuelan citizen who has another nationality may use it to leave the national territory by complying with the procedure established by the authorities of the Administrative Service of Identification, Migration and Foreigners (SAIME).

Documents to be presented at the time of travel
  • 1. Valid and valid passport.

  • 2. Identity card.

  • 3. Permission from the Coordination of Aquatic and Aerial Border Affairs, Migration Office.

Documents to be presented at the SAIME office to request permission to leave the national territory with a passport of another nationality
  • 1. Valid and valid Venezuelan passport is required.

  • 2. Valid and valid passport of your second nationality.

  • 3. Identity card.

  • 4. Birth certificate (boy or girl under 9 years old).

  • 5. Electronic airline ticket.

  • 6. Travel authorization of the child or adolescent, or other document that allows his or her departure, depending on the particular case and the provisions of the corresponding legislation.


Immigration Requirements

  • Current Venezuelan passport.
  • Identity card.
Venezuelan citizen with dual citizenship
  • Valid passport of your second nationality.
  • Identity card.
  • When your second nationality is a country that does NOT benefit from the suppression of the consular visa requirement in an ordinary passport, you are allowed to enter the national territory without the aforementioned requirement, since no consular authority may grant a tourist visa to a Venezuelan national.
Foreigners with temporary migrant category
  • Valid passport of your second nationality.
  • Valid transient visa (if expired, it cannot be more than 30 days).
  • Identity card for foreigners, all foreigners with temporary migrant status who have left the country with an expired visa upon presentation of a renewal certificate (re-entry and extension) issued by the SAIME foreigners office, and whose stay abroad is longer than 90 days, must apply for the corresponding visa, if applicable, for their entry into Venezuelan territory.
Foreigner with permanent migrant resident status
  • Valid passport of native nationality.
  • Valid transit visa (if expired, it must not be older than 06 months).
  • Identity card for foreigners.
  • All foreigners permanent migrants in Venezuela, who have been outside the national territory for more than 02 years and whose visa is in force, are allowed to enter the country, being at the discretion of the foreigner's department the recognition of their status.
  • In case of being a national of a country that does NOT enjoy the benefit of visa waiver for non-migrants (tourists) in ordinary passports, you must apply for a re-entry visa at the Venezuelan consular representation in your country of origin.
Foreigner with non-migrant (tourist) category
  • Valid and valid passport for a minimum period of 6 months.
Travel document accepted on domestic flights (Resolution issued by SAIME November 04, 2022)
  • All Venezuelan citizens who need to travel by air within the national territory must present their identity card as their main personal identification document, whether it is valid or expired. It is not allowed for domestic travel to identify oneself with a passport, copy of identity card, proof of lost documents, complaints, driver's license or institutional license. Such action is stipulated in Article 16 of the Organic Law of Identification.
  • Those Venezuelan passengers who enter the country on international flights with passports but have domestic flights in connection with other cities other than the one of their arrival to the country and who at the time of their arrival do not have an identity card, may arrive at their final destination and then carry out the corresponding procedures for the issuance or renewal of the identity card.
  • In the case of foreigners who present a condition of permanence, they must present their laminated identity card (valid or expired). If they are tourists, they must have a valid passport.
  • Important Information: All passengers wishing to enter the Venezuelan Territory through our international routes, must have a valid and valid passport for the purchase of the ticket. It is important to note that Travel Documents to Venezuela (laissez-passer) will not be accepted as valid documents for entry into the country. Passengers coming from MERCOSUR countries may enter Venezuelan territory with a valid identity card.